About Us

About Tenshokai Association

Tenshokai Association, a general incorporated association, was established with the desire to create a society where everyone has a more convenient access to healthcare services.

There are various sources of stress in the healthcare experience that patients undergo ranging from making appointments to giving medical histories, undergoing examinations, billing and receiving medication. It is not enough to simply change the contents and timing of services to improve various inefficiencies and burdens that the current healthcare system cannot handle.

We have defined the entire process from making appointments to receiving prescriptions as the “healthcare experience.” And we believe that improving the healthcare experience is essential not only to better treat current illnesses, but also to maintain health.

To realize these, we are developing necessary systems for a better healthcare experience by integrating insights from various professions. The developed systems will be implemented in society through our clinics, contributing to society by improving the quality of healthcare.



To create a world where
everyone can enjoy
the optimal healthcare,
regardless of time and location.

To contribute to society by developing innovative healthcare experiences and implementing in clinics .


As a developer of innovative healthcare experiences, we embody the needs necessary for the entire society and healthcare, and contribute to the bottom-up improvement of healthcare.


As a provider of innovative healthcare experiences, we offer convenient and compassionate healthcare for everyone.


From a field perspective We value what is NOW needed and the challenges NOW being faced in whole society and healthcare. We aim to build systems that match individual needs and are highly scalable.


In all professions We respect diversity and overlook the healthcare field with a multi-professional team of engineers, marketers, designers and healthcare professionals. Under a transparent and open environment, we respect each other and act autonomously.


Act promptly We aim to quickly contribute to society by swiftly capturing changes in healthcare and society and acting promptly.


Challenge continually We actively adopt various methods and concepts necessary to build a new healthcare experience. We value feedback from healthcare and society and improve development and operation.

About Idaten Clinic

Idaten Clinic is a medical department that utilize medical support tools and systems created by Tenshokai Association.

Idaten is the name of a protector deity of the Buddhism known for its speed. We named the clinic after it with the intention of “quickly delivering medical care to patients” and “quickly contributing the necessary medical system to society.”

As a general incorporated association, we emphasize our public nature and public welfare in our practice. In particular, we offer healthcare focused on the following 2 needs identified from field needs.

Nighttime and Holiday Medical Services

According to a medical field survey, only about 55% of general clinics in the Osaka City secondary medical zone provide medical services outside of regular hours on weekdays, 43% on Saturday, and only 0.2% during nighttime on Sunday and holidays. The lack of facilities providing medical services at night leads to a strain on large-scale hospitals.

We aim to raise the baseline of regional healthcare standard by providing medical services in time slots where few facilities operate.

Treatment of STIs Including HIV/AIDS

In recent years, there has been an increase in infections, especially syphilis, in major urban areas. Also, a problem has arisen because, while the number of new HIV/AIDS positive patients has decreased due to the reduction in rapid testing conducted by public health centers due to COVID-19, nearly 30% of new patients are reported as sudden AIDS.

We are working seriously on outpatient services for sexually transmitted diseases, or STIs, from both insured and free medical care sectors in partnership with Dr. Daisuke SHIOJIRI of Personal Health Clinic, a leading figure in Tokyo’s STIs outpatient services. We actively promote and carry out enlightenment activities for PrEP/PEP, a preventive medicine for HIV.

Gender Affirmation

From October 2023, we offer comprehensive gender affirmation for individuals with Gender Incongruence (GI), Gender Dysphoria (GD) or Gender Identity Disorder (GID) in response to the increase in gender-related concerns among our patients of all ages and genders.

Currently, individuals facing gender-related concerns, including GI, GD and GID, may not be receiving appropriate hormone therapy or necessary regular check-ups (evaluating lifestyle diseases and thrombosis risk) during their hormone therapy.

Furthermore, specialized clinics in gender affirmation are scarce, and there is a significant shortage of medical facilities catering to the potential healthcare needs.

We are committed to addressing these issues through our gender affirmation, working closely with Dr. Singh Ikebukuro, a gender affirmation specialist and certified physician of the GID Society. Together, we aim to safeguard the sexual health of all individuals.


Tenshokai Association and Idaten Clinic are dedicated to rapidly implementing essential medical systems and innovative healthcare needed by our patients and society, with the aim of contributing back to the community.

Amidst the evolving societal needs, we continue to strive unceasingly for change, wholeheartedly pushing forward to constantly deliver innovative patient-centered healthcare experiences.

April 8, 2023


We started operating on weekends and holidays only.

April 29, 2023

Establishment of STIs Outpatient Clinic

In addition to normal internal medicine, we established an outpatient clinic for STIs. We started prescribing and consultation of PrEP/PEP, a preventive medicine for HIV.

May 3, 2023

Start of One-Coin Test Day

Recognizing that early detection and treatment are important for HIV and syphilis, we held an event where HIV and syphilis tests can be taken for 500 JPY for the purpose of making these tests more accessible to everyone. * The event continues to be held irregularly.

June 3, 2023

Started Full-Time PrEP/PEP Prescription and Initiated Emergency PEP Prescriptions

We started handling PrEP/PEP at all times of our operating hours. We also started off-hours prescription for those who need PEP.

June 17, 2023

Introduction of Pill and Morning-After Pill

We started to prescribe the pill and morning-after pill for patients who need it, even at night and on holidays. We also introduced the medicine for ED and AGA, which were highly requested.

June 29, 2023

Initiation of Full-Time English Consultations and English Website Launch

In response to the increasing number of international visitors to our clinic, we have commenced full-time English consultations and English language support.

We have also launched the English version of our website, which you are browsing right now.

July 1, 2023

Full Opening

We started operating from 2:00 PM to 9:30 PM from Tuesday to Saturday and 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Sunday and holidays.

July 10, 2023

Development and Implementation of Electronic Medical Card

For those who have visited us at least once can now easily connect with us on LINE and check your medical card number from our website without installing any apps.

July 13, 2023

Online PEP Consultation and Delivery Service Launched

We’ve started an online consultation and delivery service for those who find it difficult to visit our clinic but require HIV emergency prevention medication (PEP). Note that this is currently available only in Japanese language.

August 1, 2023

Start of M-Pox Test

We became allowed to provide m-pox testings for MSM (men who have sex with men) through the research conducted by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine.

August 22, 2023

Participation in Testing Program of Osaka Prefecture

Through Osaka Prefecture’s HIV testing program (“FREE STI Testing! Reliable Local Doctors” campaign), eligible participants during the specified period can now take free HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B testing at no cost.

October 7, 2023

Launch of Gender Clinic and Participation in Rainbow Festival

To provide comprehensive support for individuals with gender incongruence (GI), gender dysphoria (GD), and gender identity disorder (GID), we have established a Gender Clinic.

Additionally, we participated as a sponsor in the Rainbow Festival held on October 7th-8th.

At our booth, we provided exhibitions related to sexual health and offered free health consultations with doctors and nurses, receiving a positive response from attendees.

November 1, 2023

Change in Operating Hours

Based on patient feedback and an assessment of regional healthcare needs, we have adjusted our operating hours to the following: Monday to Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 14:00 – 21:00, Sunday & National Holidays: 10:00 – 17:00 (Closed on Thursdays, open on national holidays).

January 5, 2024

Online PrEP Consultation and Delivery Service Launched

We’ve started an online consultation and delivery service of PrEP for those who find it difficult to visit our clinic.

Lectures & Academic Activities

We engage in various lectures and academic activities to develop and implement a better medical experience.

Lecture 1

Date: May 14, 2023

Location: Nagisa Park (Otsu, Shiga Prefecture)

Topic: Overview of STIs (HIV/Syphilis), Introduction of Idaten Clinic

Lecture 2

Date: July 1, 2023

Location: National Hospital Organization Osaka National Hospital

Topic: Current Situation of PrEP/PEP Prescription in Kansai Region

Lecture 3

Date: October 20, 2023

Location: Online (web seminar hosted by PrEP in Japan)

Topic: “Learning from Early Cases at PrEP Clinics” – About PrEP/PEP and STIs Treatment in Kansai Region

Lecture 4

Date: December 3, 2023

Location: Online (web seminar hosted by PrEP in Japan)

Topic: “Go Visit a Clinic When Starting PrEP!” – Introduction to Idaten Clinic and PrEP Medication Q&A

Academic Activity 1

Date: December 4, 2023

Location: Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto

Topic: Symposium 7 (Challenges in the Regional Penetration of PrEP and STI Treatment) – “New Challenges in PrEP and STI Treatment in the Kansai Region: Towards Establishing a Network for HIV/STI Prevention”