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The following services are not covered by Japanese national health insurance.
Note that the prices indicated in this page are all inclusive of tax.

We primarily provide self-pay STI-related tests and treatments. If you wish to use Japanese national health insurance, please consult with the doctor for eligibility.

We offer telephone consultations and delivery services for those who live far away. It requires LINE registration.

Contraceptive Pill

This is a method of contraception (birth control or pregnancy prevention) that women can control at their own will. If taken properly, the failure rate (pregnancy rate) is 0.1%, which means you can prevent pregnancy with a high probability. The medication has also the following effects in addition to contraception.

Menstrual shifting

You can delay your period for travel, events, exams, etc.

Improvement of
menstrual irregularities

Your period will come regularly almost every 28 days.

Relief of menstrual
pain / bleeding

The amount of menstrual blood decreases, making menstrual pain more manageable.

Relief of PMS

By controlling hormonal fluctuations, it helps to alleviate premenstrual syndrome (PMS) such as irritability, breast tension, swelling of the hands, feet and face, etc.

It also has effects on treating endometriosis, improving acne, and reducing the incidence of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer.


You are suitable for taking the pill as long as you can enjoy the benefits mentioned above.

Suitable for those wanting to:

– prevent a pregnancy,

– shift their menstruation,

– alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), or

– improve / alleviate menstrual pain and irregular menstruation.

Side effects

One serious side effect of the pill is that the incidence of thrombosis (a disease where blood clots in the vessels) is 2-3 times higher than in people who are not taking the pill. The incidence of thrombosis increases even in those who are not taking the pill during their pregnancy and/or childbirth as the hormone balance changes. However, it is known that the incidence of thrombosis from the pill is much lower than the risk during pregnancy regardless of a use of pill. Note that those who smoke are at higher risk of thrombosis, so we ask them to quit smoking.

Initial symptoms of thrombosis

Calf pain, swelling, numbness (often only on one side), chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, headache, incoherent speech, etc.


The cost of the pill at our clinic is as follows.

Medicine Price (JPY)
(per sheet)
Marvelon 28 2,300
Triquilar 28 2,300
Favouir 28 2,000
Planovar 21 1,700


The steps for prescribing the contraceptive pill at our clinic is as follows.

Step 1

Doctor’s consultation, examination and blood test

* first time only

Step 2

Explanation of how to take the pill

* first time only

Step 3

Prescription and billing

After payment, receive the medication at the reception. First visit incurs consultation fees, but subsequent visits allow for prescription without consultation (no consultation fee required).

Morning-After Pill
(Emergency Contraception)

If you’ve had a sexual intercourse with a possibility of pregnancy against your will, morning-after pill can help you prevent pregnancy. You should visit a medical institution as soon as possible if you fail in contraception.

You don’t need a national health insurance card or parental consent to prescribe the morning-after pill. Prescription is also available even if you’re under 18.


The main candidates for taking the morning-after pill (emergency contraceptive) are as follows.

Suitable for those who:

– want to use contraception,

– used a condom, which slipped off or broke,

– forgot to take the pill and had intercourse,

– get sexually assaulted, or

– want to prevent unwanted pregnancy for other reasons.

Among the morning-after pills prescribed at our clinic, Ella can be used within 120 hours (5 days) after intercourse.

Types of Medication

We have 3 kinds of morning-after pills. Both prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation through the action of their active ingredient, progesterone.

Furthermore, they prevent pregnancy by inhibiting the growth of the endometrium and preventing the fertilized egg, if created, from implanting.

Note that a consultation fee will be charged in addition to the price of medication.


Price: 8,800 JPY (1 tablet / dose)

Dosing time: Take one tablet within 120 hours (5 days) after intercourse for 98.9% contraceptive effectiveness.

BMI*: Suitable for all individuals.

Note: Ella is an FDA-approved emergency contraceptive, widely used internationally. It remains effective for up to 5 days after intercourse and has minimal side effects such as nausea. Its active ingredient, ulipristal acetate (a progestin), is also used in the treatment of uterine fibroids.

(brand-name medicine)

Price: 14,000 JPY (1 tablet / dose)

Dosing time: 1 tablet / dose within 72 hours (3 days) after intercourse for contraceptive effect

BMI*: Only for those with less than 30

Approval: NorLevo is approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan


Price: 8,800 JPY (1 tablet / dose)

Dosing time: 1 tablet / dose within 72 hours (3 days) after intercourse for contraceptive effect

BMI*: Only for those with less than 30

Approval: Levonorgestrel is approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan

*BMI = weight [kg] ÷ (height [m])²

Side Effects and Precautions

Emergency contraceptives have almost no side effects, but rarely, you may experience nausea, headache, abdominal pain, or abnormal bleeding.

We can also prescribe anti-nausea medication if you want.

If you vomit within 3 hours of medication, you need to take another tablet.

If you’re worried about possible vomiting, we can prescribe two tablets at the same time (one for use, one as a spare in case of vomiting), so please consult us.

People who should not take emergency contraceptives include the following.

Contraindicated to:

– Those allergic to the ingredients of this medicine,

– pregnant women,

– those with heart or liver problems, or

– breastfeeding women.

Dosing Time

Even if the recommended time for taking the emergency contraceptive after intercourse has passed, you can still take the emergency contraceptive. You can still expect a certain effect although the effect is greatly reduced compared to when taken within 72 hours after intercourse. Consult a doctor for more details.

Contraception Check-Up

If you have bleeding like a period within 3 weeks after taking the morning-after pill, it suggests that the contraception is successful.

If you haven’t had a menstrual cycle 3 weeks after sexual intercourse, there is a possibility that contraception may have failed. Please use a pregnancy test or go to a hospital to get checked and confirm if you are pregnant.


The flow of morning-after pill prescription at our clinic is as follows.

Step 1

Consultation and examination

Step 2

Explanation of how to use the medication

Step 3

Prescription and billing

You will receive the medication at the reception after payment. Note that consultation fee will be charged.

ED Treatment Medicine

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) refers to a condition where you cannot achieve or maintain an erection sufficiently for satisfactory sexual intercourse.

It is said that more than 10 million people are suffering from ED in Japan alone, and recently the number of people in their 10’s to 20’s has been increasing.

ED treatment medicine is a vasodilator that helps with erections, so if there’s no sexual stimulation, an erection will not occur.

Also, after sexual stimulation disappears or ejaculation, the erection will subside as usual.

It does not have an aphrodisiac effect and does not increase sexual desire or enhance sexual stimulation.


There are 4 major potential causes of ED.

Psychogenic ED: caused by mental stress, etc.

This is often seen in relatively young people in their 20’s to 40’s.

Mental stress (for example, stress at work or within the family, pressure from fertility treatments, trauma from unsuccessful sex, etc.) can prevent sexual arousal from causing an erection properly, leading to ED.

Since there is often no bodily abnormality in this case, it can be said that ED treatment medication tends to be highly effective.

Organic ED: caused by vascular and nerve damage.

This is often seen in people over the age of 50.

Arteriosclerosis, a condition where blood vessels harden, progresses due to aging and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia, and prevents enough blood from flowing into the corpus cavernosum, leading to ED.

ED treatment medicine will improve blood flow and foreseeably improve ED.

Mixed ED: involved multiple factors.

This is often seen in people over the age of 50.

ED is caused by a combination of vascular and nerve damage and other factors such as mental stress.

Medication-induced ED: caused by specific drugs.

Some drugs can cause ED.

If you have noticed changes since starting a new medicine, or if you are taking a large quantity or variety of medicines, please consult your doctor. The drugs that may influence the condition include the following.

Drugs that affect the central nervous system: antipyretic anti-inflammatory analgesics, antidepressants, psychotropic drugs such as sedatives.

Drugs that affect peripheral nerves: muscle relaxants, anesthetics, anticholinergic drugs.

Cardiovascular drugs: antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, vasodilators, lipid-lowering drugs.

Digestive tract drugs: peptic ulcer treatment drugs, anticholinergic drugs, antispasmodic drugs.


The candidates for ED treatment medicine are those with symptoms of ED (erectile dysfunction).

If you have concerns about erection, such as “occasionally can’t get an erection” or “worried about whether I can get an erection”, you are also a valid candidate for treatment.

Types of Medicine

In Japan, Viagra (sildenafil), Levitra (vardenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil) are used as ED treatment medicines.

We can prescribe all of them except for Levitra.

Choose the ED treatment medicine most suitable for you according to the characteristics of each medicine.

We also offer a value trial package for those who want to try various ED treatment medicines to find the one that suits you most.

Viagra (Sildenafil)

Recommended for: Those who did not get hard enough with other ED medicines.

Characteristics: Works in a short time and the effect disappears in a short time.

Meal: It is recommended to take it 30 minutes before meals as the effect will be halved if taken with meals.

Time until effect appears: About 30 minutes to 1 hour

Duration of effect: About 4 to 5 hours

Use cases

– Individuals who have tried other ED treatments without effect and desire a rapid onset of action. Long-term users of Viagra (sildenafil) who have experienced no side effects and wish to continue using it.

– Those who prefer a formulation that can be taken without water (Viagra OD Film).


Recommended for: Those who want to get an erection as quickly and as hard as possible.

Characteristics: Fast absorption, immediate effect and the hardest erection among the three.

Meal: It is most effective when taken 30 minutes before meals while it is still okay to take it with meals. If taken on an empty stomach, the effect will begin to appear in approximately 15 minutes.

Time until effect appears: About 20 minutes to 1 hour

Duration of effect: About 5 to 10 hours

Use cases

– Individuals who want to feel the effects of ED medication quickly and prefer a treatment that enhances erection strength.

– Individuals who wish to maintain an erection throughout sexual activity and prevent loss of erection during intercourse.

– who want to experience the effects soon after ingestion, but are likely to engage in sexual activity after a meal or alcohol consumption (vardenafil is affected by food and alcohol but to a lesser extent than sildenafil).

Cialis (Tadalafil)

Recommended for: Those uncertain about when they will have sex during the day or those who often have sex after meals.

Characteristics: It has a relatively mild and natural effect, lasts for a long time and has fewer side effects.

Meal: It is more effective when taken on an empty stomach while it is still okay to take it with meals.

Time until effect appears: About 1 to 3 hours

Duration of effect: About 20 to 36 hours

Use cases

– Individuals who frequently engage in sexual activity after meals or drinks.

– Those who do not have a set time for sexual activity and want to be prepared to experience effects at any time (e.g., while traveling or when a partner is distant and timing of sexual activity is unpredictable).

– Individuals who may not always be the penetrating partner during sexual activity but want to easily maintain an erection throughout.

Side Effects and Precautions

The side effects and precautions for ED treatment medicine are as follows.

Side effects

Flushing, headache, palpitations, stuffy nose, eye congestion

Cialis (Tadalafil) has fewer side effects compared to others.


It is necessary to be careful if you are taking nitrates, undergoing arrhythmia treatment, undergoing dialysis, have a history of myocardial infarction, having high or low blood pressure or are elderly (over 65 years old), so please consult your doctor.


The cost and characteristics of each ED treatment medicine are as follows.

We also offer a value trial set for those who want to try various ED treatment medicines to find the one that suits you most.

Medicine Ingredient Price (JPY)

Viagra 50mg 1,600
(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)
Viagra OD
Film 50mg
(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)
(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)

* We do not offer Levitra.
(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)
(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)

(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)
(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)
(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)
(1 tablet)
(10 tablets)


The flow of ED medication prescription at our clinic is as follows.

Step 1


Discuss with the doctor and decide which medicine to get.

Step 2

Prescription and billing

After payment, receive the medication at the reception. First visit incurs consultation fees, but subsequent visits allow for prescription without consultation (no consultation fee required).

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation refers to a condition where an individual ejaculates sooner than expected by themselves or by their partner.

Data suggests that 1 out of 3.5 men in Japan are struggling with premature ejaculation, making it a common concern.


Premature ejaculation is thought to have three main causes.

Hypersensitivity Premature Ejaculation

The penis and surrounding nerves are sensitive, making ejaculation easier with slight stimulation.

This is because even unintentional stimulation triggers ejaculation before sexual excitement reaches the brain.

Younger individuals (ages 10’s-20’s) with strong erectile function and/or sexual desire are more prone to this.

Psychogenic Premature Ejaculation

Stress or trauma related to sexual activity can activate the sympathetic nervous system, causing premature ejaculation.

Specifically, stress at work or within relationship can be contributing factors.

Lack of confidence, anxiety and nervousness can lead to loss of control over ejaculation timing.

Debilitative Premature Ejaculation

Aging causes a decrease in male hormones (testosterone), leading to reduced muscle mass.

Weakened muscles supposed to control ejaculation contributes to easier ejaculation.

Debilitative premature ejaculation is more common among individuals aged 40’s-60’s, when male hormone secretion declines.

It can often be accompanied by erectile dysfunction (ED).

Treatment Suitability

The following individuals are eligible for premature ejaculation treatment.

Not only those concerned about the timing of ejaculation but also those experiencing stress caused by it are eligible for the treatment.

Eligible for:

Individuals experiencing stress or discomfort due to early ejaculation.

Those whose partner experiences the discomfort like above.

Types of Medication

The component dapoxetine calms the sympathetic nervous system, reducing excessive brain excitement and extending ejaculation time.

Although premature ejaculation medication has yet to be approved in Japan, it’s approved in over 50 countries worldwide.

By taking ED medication, erectile hardness is improved, and it can extend the time to ejaculation.

Side Effects and Precautions

Side effects and precautions for premature ejaculation medication are as follows.

Side Effects

Nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, etc.


Consult your doctor if you currently have heart or liver conditions, or if you’re taking antidepressants.


The price of premature ejaculation treatment medication is as follows:

Medicine Price (JPY)
1 tablet 990
10 tablets 9,000

If premature ejaculation results from multiple factors, combining medication with ED treatment can enhance effects.

Both treatments are non-addictive and can be used safely in combination.


The consultation process for prescribing premature ejaculation medication at our clinic is as follows:

Step 1

Interview and Examination

Consult with a doctor to consider appropriate medication.

Step 2

Prescription and Billing

After payment, receive the medication at the reception. First visit incurs consultation fees, but subsequent visits allow for prescription without consultation (no consultation fee required).

AGA Medications

AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia), typically characterized by hair loss starting around the forehead’s hairline and the crown, gradually progresses to more noticeable baldness over time.

If AGA develops, it is not possible to naturally stop the progression of hair thinning, hence starting treatment early is recommended.

FAGA (Female Androgenetic Alopecia) refers to hair loss occurring due to a decrease in female hormones and a dominance of male hormones, and is becoming increasingly recognized as a cause of hair thinning and loss in women. The effectiveness of Minoxidil and Spironolactone is anticipated.

We offer value packages for 3 or 6-month bundles as well as for multiple medications.

Recommended for:

– Individuals with a family history of hair loss

– Finding hair on the pillow

– Noticing hair thinning

Causes of AGA

AGA is caused when dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a potent form of testosterone, binds with androgen receptors in the scalp.

Once DHT binds with these receptors, it inhibits cell division in hair follicles, particularly in the frontal and crown areas, which shortens the hair’s growth phase.

Consequently, hair does not grow to its full potential before entering the resting phase, leading to thinning and hair loss.

AGA Treatment

Treatment of AGA involves inhibiting dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the harmful male hormone. DHT is produced when testosterone is converted by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. To inhibit DHT, treatments that block this enzyme (5-alpha-reductase), including oral and topical medications, are necessary.

Finasteride and Dutasteride act on 5-alpha-reductase to normalize the hair cycle, creating an environment that promotes thicker and longer hair growth.

Minoxidil supports the production of substances like Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), which promote cell growth and development, and the formation of new blood vessels, thereby activating hair follicles and encouraging hair growth.

We offer all three medications: Finasteride, Dutasteride, and Minoxidil.

Types of Medication

The medications available at our clinic are as follows:


Effects: Normalizes the hair cycle and promotes the growth of thicker, longer hair.

Side effects: Initial hair loss, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction (ED)

Dosage: One tablet per day


1-month: 4,000 JPY

3-month: 10,500 JPY (3,500 JPY/month)

6-month: 18,000 JPY (3,000 JPY/month)


Effects: Said to be three times as effective at promoting hair growth and inhibiting 5-alpha-reductase type II compared to Finasteride.

Side effects: Initial hair loss, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction (ED)

Dosage: One tablet per day


1-month: 5,000 JPY

3-month: 13,500 JPY (4,500 JPY/month)

6-month: 24,000 JPY (4,000 JPY/month)

Minoxidil (Oral)

Product: Minoxidil 5mg (MINOXIHEART)

Effects: Stimulates the division of hair-producing cells and increases blood flow to the scalp, thereby facilitating hair growth.

Side effects: Initial hair loss, scalp rash, skin reactions (redness, itching, rash), hypertrichosis, low blood pressure

Dosage: Half to one tablet per use


1-month: 4,000 JPY

3-month: 10,500 JPY (3,500 JPY/month)

6-month: 18,000 JPY (3,000 JPY/month)

Minoxidil (Topical)

Product: Topical Minoxidil Solution 5% (Fuji Chemical Industries, Over-the-counter Drug)

Effects: Stimulates the division of hair-producing cells and increases blood flow to the scalp, thereby facilitating hair growth.

Side effects: Initial hair loss, scalp rash, skin reactions (redness, itching, rash)

Dosage: Apply 1ml twice a day to areas of thinning hair


1-month: 5,000 JPY

3-month: 13,500 JPY (4,500 JPY/month)

6-month: 24,000 JPY (4,000 JPY/month)

Minoxidil for Women (Topical)

Product: Topical Minoxidil Solution 1% (Fuji Chemical Industries, Over-the-counter Drug)

Features: Effective for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth in women, influenced by factors such as age, stress, and lifestyle. Suitable for treatment of female pattern hair loss.

Effects: Stimulates the division of hair-producing cells and increases blood flow to the scalp, thereby facilitating hair growth.

Side effects: Initial hair loss, scalp rash, skin reactions (redness, itching, rash)

Dosage: Apply 1ml twice a day to areas of thinning hair


1-month: 4,500 JPY

3-month: 12,000 JPY (4,000 JPY/month)

6-month: 22,000 JPY (3,667 JPY/month)

Value Packages

We offer value package prices to make it more affordable to start and continue hair loss prevention and hair growth promotion.

Finasteride and Dutasteride are described as medications that ‘prevent hair loss and strengthen hair,’ while Minoxidil is known as a ‘hair growth medication.’ When using Minoxidil, it is recommended to use it in combination with Finasteride or Dutasteride to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth synergistically.

Finasteride Pack

Content: By prescribing a combination of Finasteride (oral) and Minoxidil (topical/oral), we provide an economical way to promote hair loss prevention and hair growth.

Recommended for: Those concerned about AGA or who want to start prevention, those troubled by hair loss or hair quality, etc.

Finasteride + Minoxidil Oral:

1-month: 7,000 JPY
(You can save 1,000 JPY)

3-month: 18,000 JPY (6,000 JPY/month)
(You can save 3,000 JPY)

6-month: 30,000 JPY (5,000 JPY/month)
(You can save 6,000 JPY)

Finasteride + Minoxidil Topical:

1-month: 8,000 JPY
(You can save 1,000 JPY)

3-month: 22,500 JPY (7,500 JPY/month)
(You can save 1,500 JPY)

6-month: 40,000 JPY (6,667 JPY/month)
(You can save 2,000 JPY)

Finasteride + Minoxidil Oral + Minoxidil Topical:

1-month: 11,000 JPY
(You can save 2,000 JPY)

3-month: 30,000 JPY (10,000 JPY/month)
(You can save 4,500 JPY)

6-month: 52,000 JPY (8,667 JPY/month)
(You can save 8,000 JPY)

Dutasteride Pack

Content: By prescribing a combination of Dutasteride (oral) and Minoxidil (oral/topical), we provide an economical way to promote hair loss prevention and hair growth. This set offers more potent AGA treatment compared to Finasteride alone.

Recommended for: Those who want to start serious AGA treatment, not just prevention, or those who have found single-drug treatments insufficient.

Dutasteride + Minoxidil Oral:

1-month:8,000 JPY
(You can save 1,000 JPY)

3-month: 21,000 JPY (7,000 JPY/month)
(You can save 3,000 JPY)

6-month: 36,000 JPY (6,000 JPY/month)
(You can save 6,000 JPY)

Dutasteride + Minoxidil Topical:

1-month:9,000 JPY
(You can save 1,000 JPY)

3-month: 25,500 JPY (8,500 JPY/month)
(You can save 1,500 JPY)

6-month: 46,000 JPY (7,667 JPY/month)
(You can save 2,000 JPY)

Dutasteride + Minoxidil Oral + Minoxidil Topical:

1-month:12,000 JPY
(You can save 2,000 JPY)

3-month: 33,000 JPY (11,000 JPY/month)
(You can save 4,500 JPY)

6-month: 58,000 JPY (9,667 JPY/month)
(You can save 8,000 JPY)

Side Effects and Precautions

The side effects of each medication are as follows.


Decreased male sexual function (such as ED, ejaculation disorders, decreased libido, and reduced semen volume), liver function impairment, among others.

While the risk of ED and other side effects is considered low, the possibility of experiencing side effects is not zero.

If you notice any unusual symptoms after taking the medication, please consult your doctor.


Sexual dysfunction (ED, ejaculation disorders, decreased libido), rash, allergic reactions, headache, depression, breast disorders, abdominal discomfort. These symptoms occur in less than 1% of cases.

Serious side effects include liver function impairment and jaundice.

While the risk of ED and other side effects is considered low, the possibility of experiencing side effects is not zero.

If you notice any unusual symptoms after taking the medication, please consult your doctor.

Minoxidil (Oral)

Initial hair loss, scalp rash, skin reactions (redness, itching, rash), and reported cases of increased hair thickness and blood pressure reduction.

Occasionally, headaches, dizziness, and swelling of the hands and feet may occur.

Serious side effects include liver function impairment.

If you notice any unusual symptoms after using the medication, please consult your doctor.

Minoxidil (Topical)

Initial hair loss, scalp rash, skin reactions (redness, itching, rash).

Occasionally, headaches, dizziness, and swelling of the hands and feet may occur.

Serious side effects include liver function impairment.

If you notice any unusual symptoms after using the medication, please consult your doctor.

Usage precautions for Finasteride, Dutasteride, and Minoxidil are as follows.


Adhere to the prescribed dosage. If you forget to take a dose, do not take double the next time as it can dangerously increase the drug concentration in your blood.

As a general rule, Finasteride and Dutasteride are not approved for use in women. They can be absorbed through the skin, so women should avoid direct contact with these medications.

Minoxidil can be used by both men and women, but in women, it is not effective for hair loss due to pregnancy, chemotherapy, or skin diseases causing scalp injuries.

An increase in hair shedding at the beginning of treatment can occur, known as “initial shedding.”

This is a normal part of the process to normalize the hair cycle, as the resting phase hairs are shedding to make way for new growth. Please continue the medication as prescribed.

Consultation Process

The process for prescribing AGA medications at our clinic is as follows:

Step 1

Medical Consultation and Examination

After discussing with a doctor, suitable medications are considered.

Step 2

Prescription and Payment

At reception, AGA medications will be provided. An initial consultation fee applies, but subsequent visits for prescription renewals do not require a consultation or fee.


Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis B virus, gonorrhea, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) are known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The varicella zoster virus, prevalent among most people, can reactivate due to aging or underlying conditions such as HIV, leading to shingles and postherpetic neuralgia.

Vaccinations for these viruses are available at our clinic.

Types of Vaccines

We offer the following vaccines:

Hepatitis Vaccines

In Japan, the most common type of hepatitis is viral hepatitis caused by the hepatitis virus. The most effective preventive measure is a vaccine. We offer Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine and combined vaccines.

Gonorrhea Vaccine

This vaccine, specifically Meningococcal B Vaccine, is effective in preventing gonorrhea. Meningococci and gonococci are genetically very similar, and it is known that vaccination with the Meningococcal B vaccine can prevent gonorrhea.

HPV Vaccine

This is a vaccine to prevent HPV infection. It is well known as a virus that causes “cervical cancer,” but it can also cause other cancers and warts (condyloma acuminatum). We offer the 9-valent HPV vaccine.

Shingles Vaccine

The varicella zoster virus infects most people by the age of 20, lying dormant in nerve ganglia for life. With aging, the virus can reactivate, causing shingles and subsequent neuralgia, significantly reducing quality of life. We offer the inactivated shingles vaccine.

MMR Vaccine

Measles, mumps and rubella pose a higher risk of severe illness and can be fatal in adults. With consideration of recent reports of measles cases in Japan, it is vital to prevent this common infectious disease. We provide the combined MMR vaccine.

Infection Routes

The infection routes for Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis B virus and HPV are as follows:

Hepatitis A

Infection occurs when eating food such as shellfish or water contaminated with the virus, or through sexual activities involving the anus and rimming (the act of licking the anus), which involve contact with feces containing the virus. Activities such as oral sex, rimming and licking hands that have touched the anus can also potentially lead to infection.

Hepatitis B

Infection occurs through sexual intercourse and anal sex as the virus is contained in blood and vaginal secretions.


Gonorrhea can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, including oral sex. It is important to note that gonorrhea can infect not only the genitals but also the throat and anus.


HPV is a common virus, transmitted primarily through sexual intercourse, with over 50% of sexually experienced women likely to be infected at least once in their lifetime. More than 80% of women and more than 90% of men have a chance of being infected with some HPV in their lifetime, but it can be naturally eliminated by the immune system even if infected.

Varicella Zoster Virus

Shingles is not a disease transmitted from one person to another. However, individuals with shingles can transmit the varicella zoster virus to those who have never had chickenpox, potentially causing them to develop the disease. Transmission primarily occurs through contact with fluid from the blisters of a shingles patient, and the virus can also spread through airborne droplets from saliva. The blisters contain a high concentration of the virus, remaining infectious until all have crusted over.


Measles is a serious infectious disease that can cause complications and even lead to death. It is an airborne infection, and the virus can survive in the air of a room where a person with measles has been for up to two hours. Measles is highly contagious; if one person is infected, up to 90% of the people close to them may also become infected. Symptoms typically appear 7 to 14 days after exposure to the virus and include high fever, cough and runny nose. A characteristic rash appears 3 to 5 days after the initial symptoms.


Rubella (a.k.a. German Measles) is also a serious infection that can be fatal, known for its airborne and contact transmission. Its symptoms are similar to measles but resolve more quickly, hence it is also known as three-day measles. Symptoms include fever and rash accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, though 25% to 50% of infections are asymptomatic. Infection during early pregnancy can lead to stillbirth or the birth of infants with congenital rubella syndrome (including cataracts, heart defects, hearing impairments, etc.). Therefore, it is important for those who are pregnant or could become pregnant, and their contacts, to prevent infection.


Mumps (Epidemic Parotitis) is characterized by swelling of the parotid glands and spreads through droplet and contact transmission. Symptoms, appearing after a 2 to 3-week incubation period, include fever, headache and swelling or pain in both parotid glands. Adults are more likely to develop severe cases and complications such as encephalitis, oophoritis, orchitis and hearing loss.


Those who are eligible for vaccination are as follows.

Hepatitis B has been increasing in number of cases of infection due to sexual transmission in recent years. It is said that, in adult infections, most are due to sexual activity, apart from needle sticks or similar cases. Infection can also occur from kissing and oral sex, and many people do not show symptoms even when infected. So, there are cases where the infected person unknowingly infects others without realizing they are carrying the virus.

Eligible Persons

Hepatitis A/B Vaccine:

– Those with multiple sexual partners (including oral sex)

– Those who have a sex partner or cohabitating family with hepatitis B

– Those planning to travel abroad

– Healthcare workers, etc.

Gonorrhea Vaccine:

– Those who have previously had gonorrhea or other STIs

– Those allergic to the first-choice treatment for gonorrhea (ceftriaxone)

– Those with multiple sexual partners

– Those in high-risk occupations for infection, such as commercial sex workers and individuals in the adult entertainment industry

HPV Vaccine:

– Those who are 9 years old or older and want to reduce the risk of HPV infection. The HPV vaccine is recommended for not only women but also men in Western countries, as it also prevents cancers such as penile and anal cancer.

Shingles Vaccine:

– Individuals aged 50 and above who wish to prevent shingles and postherpetic neuralgia.

– Persons who are HIV-positive.

MMR Vaccine:

– Individuals who have never received or have only received one dose of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.

– Those in close proximity to someone with measles, mumps or rubella.

– Individuals preparing for pregnancy who wish to prevent diseases such as rubella.

Note: Infection with rubella during early pregnancy can lead to stillbirth or the birth of infants with congenital rubella syndrome, including cataracts, cardiac abnormalities, hearing impairments, etc.

We recommend vaccination for those who want to prevent cancer caused by HPV infection or those who want to prevent warts (condyloma acuminatum).

Cancers caused by HPV infection

Male genital: Penile cancer

Female genital: Cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer

Both: Oropharyngeal cancer, anal cancer


The effect of the vaccines handled at our clinic is as follows:

Hepatitis A Vaccine

The domestic vaccine (Aimugen®) is one of the safe and highly effective vaccines. You can expect to acquire almost 100% antibodies with 3 doses. The effect lasts for approximately 5 years after 3 vaccinations, and an additional dose of vaccination every 10-20 years is recommended if there is a risk of infection.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

The immunity obtained by the domestic hepatitis B vaccine (Bimgen®) has been confirmed to last for at least 15 years. The effect decreases as a patient is aged, and it is said that about 80% can acquire immunity by vaccination after the age of 40. The effectiveness of the vaccine is recognized by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, and infants became included as an eligible target of regular vaccinations in Japan since 2016. This means that those born in Japan would have already gotten vaccinated with it because it is required by Japanese government. On the other hand, those born before March 31, 2016 have not received regular vaccinations, so they have not gotten vaccinated unless they have voluntarily get the vaccine.

Gonorrhea Vaccine

Reportedly, the administration of the gonorrhea vaccine has successfully been preventing gonorrhea by 51%. It is also known that syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia can be prevented by using an oral medication called Doxy PEP, and combining Doxy PEP with the gonorrhea vaccine is expected to provide an even higher prevention rate.

HPV Vaccine

Currently, there are no effective medications for HPV infection. Therefore, prevention by vaccination is effective. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, or CDC, the incidence of cervical cancer decreases by 83% in girls aged 13 to 19, and 66% in those aged 20 to 24. Moreover, precancerous lesions in cervical cancer screenings for women in their teens and 20’s have decreased. Genital and anal condylomas in both men and women have significantly decreased in all age groups, and thus vaccination of HPV vaccine for men is also being promoted.

Benefits of HPV Vaccine for Men

– Prevention of diseases caused by HPV infection in men themselves such as condyloma, penile and other cancers

– Suppression of the risk of HPV infection in partners by not becoming a source of infection.

* Vaccination of HPV is meant to protect yourself as well as your partner!

Shingles Vaccine

We offer Shingrix, an inactivated vaccine. Studies show that administering Shingrix twice can prevent the onset of shingles by 97.2% and postherpetic neuralgia by 100% in individuals over 50 years of age, making it an extremely effective vaccine.

Type Inactivated vaccine
Prevention of
Shingles Onset
Over 50 years: 97.2%
Over 70 years: 89.8%
of Neuralgia
Over 50 years: 100%
Over 70 years: 85.5%
Duration of
> 9 years
MMR Vaccine

In Japan, the common practice is to use a two-component vaccine (MR vaccine) for measles and rubella. There is no three-component vaccine (MMR vaccine) that includes mumps. However, in over 100 countries, including the United States, Canada and Australia, the three-component vaccine is standard and recognized for its effectiveness and safety. Therefore, we offer the imported three-component vaccine, Priorix.

After one dose: measles 93%, rubella 97%, mumps 78%
After two doses: measles 97%, mumps 88%

Price and Schedule

The cost and schedule of vaccination for each vaccine are as follows:

Hepatitis A Vaccine

Price: 8,000 JPY per dose

Number of vaccinations: 3 times

Schedule: Initial, 1 month later, 6 months later

The effect lasts for about 5 years with a total of 3 doses, 1 month and 6 months after the first vaccination. After that, because the antibody titer decreases, an additional dose of vaccination is recommended every 5 to 10 years if there is a risk of infection.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

Price: 7,000 JPY per dose

Number of vaccinations: 3 times

Schedule: Initial, 1 month later, 6 months later

The immunity obtained lasts for at least 15 years. The effect decreases as a patient is aged, and it is said that about 80% can acquire immunity by vaccination after the age of 40. An additional vaccination may be given if there is no antibody reaction at the time of an antibody test conducted 1 to 2 months after 3 vaccinations.

A/B Hepatitis Mixed Vaccine

Price: 13,000 JPY per dose

Number of vaccinations: 3 times

Schedule: Initial, 1 month later, 6 months later

Gonorrhea Vaccine

Price: 26,000 JPY per session

Number of vaccinations: 2

Schedule: Initial and 1 month later

It is believed that using Doxy PEP in combination with the gonorrhea vaccine can provide a higher preventive effect against gonorrhea.

HPV-9 Vaccine

Price: 33,000 JPY per dose

Number of doses: 3 times (or 2 times)

Schedule: Initial, 2 months later, 6 months later (or initial, 6 months later)

It has been reported that sufficient effects can be expected even if you do not receive 3 doses of the HPV-9 vaccine. For more information, click here.

Our clinic also recommends vaccination with only 2 doses.

What does “9-valent” mean?

There are three types of HPV vaccines: bivalent (2-valen), quadrivalent (4-valent) and nonavalent (9-valent), which represent the number of types they can prevent. There are over 180 types of HPV, and the type of disease that can develop depends on the type of infection.

We adopt the 9-valent HPV vaccine for the following reasons:

– Prevention of genital warts is possible with quadrivalent and 9-valent vaccines.

– The 9-valent vaccine has a significantly higher prevention effect against cancer and genital warts compared to the 4-valent one (4-valent: about 60%, 9-valent: about 90%).

Shingles Vaccine

Price: 22,000 JPY per dose

Number of doses: 2 times

Schedule: Initial, 2 months later

MMR Vaccine

Contents: Combined vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella

Price: 10,000 JPY per dose*

Number of doses: 1 time or 2 times

Schedule: Initial, 1 month later

– Individuals who have previously experienced an allergic reaction to vaccinations should consult with a doctor before receiving this vaccine.
– This vaccine cannot be administered to individuals who are pregnant or may be pregnant.
– Individuals who are HIV positive must consult with a doctor before receiving this vaccine.

Simultaneous Vaccination
with Other Vaccines

The MMR vaccine is a categorized as live vaccine. if additional injections of live vaccines are desired, they must be spaced at least 27 days apart. It is possible to administer oral live vaccines and inactivated vaccines at the same time as the MMR vaccine. There are no specific restrictions regarding the simultaneous administration of other vaccines, so you can be reassured.

The only live vaccine handled at our clinic is the MMR vaccine, which allows for multiple vaccinations to be given on the same day.

Types of Vaccines

Injectable Live Vaccines: Measles-Rubella (MR) combined vaccine, Varicella vaccine, BCG vaccine, Mumps vaccine, etc.

Oral Live Vaccines: Rotavirus vaccine, etc.

Inactivated Vaccines: Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine, Pediatric pneumococcal vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine, DTP-IPV combined vaccine (four-component), Japanese encephalitis vaccine, Seasonal influenza vaccine, etc.


The flow of consultation for vaccination at our clinic is as follows.

Step 1


The doctor will discuss and consider whether to proceed with the vaccination.

Step 2

Vaccination and payment

After the vaccination, the payment will be made. You will be charged for a consultation fee only at your first time; you can get a vaccination without a consultation (and of course consultation fee) from the second time onwards.